Strategic Plan 2024-2028

Executive Summary Art in Healthcare’s mission is to provide engaging and impactful creative opportunities to support and improve the mental and physical…

Career Ready UK | Angelica’s visit to the store

Last week our @careerreadyuk intern Angelica visited the Art in Healthcare store. We asked Angelica to pick a work from the collection…

Healing Arts Scotland Festival 2024

In June this year our Room for Art groups were invited to take part in the Healing Arts Scotland Art Relay run…

Parenting across Scotland

Last week Iona, our Associate Director (Communities) met with Arran and Amy from Parenting Across Scotland who wanted to find out more…

Our new Career Ready Internship

We have a fantastic new Career Ready Intern Angelica who started with us today – here she is in our Room for…

Inspiring Volunteer Award

Congratulations to our dedicated Room for Art Volunteer Team who won an ‘Inspiring Volunteer Award’ this year at the Volunteer Edinburgh Awards…

Taking Art Home Year 2

We are into year 2 of our Taking Art Home project; providing online workshops for adults in Scotland living with long COVID…

Thank you!

We would like to share a massive thank you to everyone who was able to join us at our Fundraising Quiz last…

Room for Art trip to Carlowrie Castle

Our Room for Art groups had a wonderful day trip yesterday to Carlowrie Castle, birthplace of Arctic explorer, botanist, writer and artist…

Carer Positive Award

Last Thursday we were presented with our Carer Positive award by Richard Meade, Director of Carers Scotland and Carers NI. We are…

Quiz Night!

Come join us on Tuesday the 7th of May for a Quiz night! The quiz will take place @brewhemiaedin and will be…