Today is #SocialPrescribingDay! Social prescribing has been recently been defined as “connecting people to non-clinical supports and services within the community by co-producing a non-medical prescription, to improve health and wellbeing and to strengthen community connections”.

People can be ‘prescribed’ lots of different activities from gardening to cooking. Our Social Prescribing programme Room for Art project as been running for almost 8 years and uses visual art to support people’s mental health and wellbeing. Watch our video below to see some of the materials we explore and some of the impacts it can have.

Shout out to all the amazing Community Link Workers and Community Organisations delivering social prescribing across Scotland. It’s a challenging time as more cuts to services means less activities in the community to refer people to but the benefits are clear. @scottishSPN @ScotCLWnetwork

14 March 2024 by

Amy Miles